


The saddlebags division is called that because the two demarcated areas, connected by a band, actually do resemble saddlebags on a horse somewhat, as in the illustration above. I’ve discussed this division in depth on the following pages; to find what you’re looking for these are the links:

The division is a fairly common one, and pysanky of this sort can be found in just about every part of Ukraine. Binyashevsky gives many examples in his works. In some all of the dividing lines are simple lines, like this Binyashevsky one one from the Kyiv region


These additional examples are from the Chernihiv, Kharkiv and Vinnytsia regions.  Note the repetition of motifs within the divisions:


To write a pysanka with a sakvy division, start with a basic Eight division (A). Divide each half of the up and down lines into three even sections; mark with a pencil (
). Draw circumferential lines, connecting the dots, as in (B).

A                                 B

If the design calls for the “strap” to be a simple line, place two sets of dots as shown in (C). Connect them with pencil, using straight lines, so that you now have lines on the top and bottom of the egg shifted a quarter turn (D). 

C                                 D

Next, connect the ends of these lines with straight lines (E). This will give you a simple/basic sakvy division, if you wax in the red lines (F).

E                                 F

If the design calls for the “strap” to be wide, then continue on to the next page for instructions.           

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Note:  All photos, illustrations and text © Luba Petrusha 2007-2017. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction prohibited without expressed consent.  May contact via e-mail (link below).


Basic «Сакви» (Sakvy)