Paper Snowflakes



In order to create pretty paper snowflakes, you need only three things–a small, sharp pair of scissors, thin white paper, and a bit of imagination.  Below are suggestions for the first two; as for imagination, you’re on your own.

If you wish to press the snowflakes and hang them, you’ll need a good teflon coated iron and ornament hooks.  I’ll discuss those items in the appropriate sections. 

SCISSORS:  I’ve tried many different pairs of small scissors over the years, but the small Gingher embroidery scissors pictured on the left seem to work the best.  Many small craft scissors have fairly thick blades; these taper and the points are quite sharp and this, which you need for doing fine cutting.

PAPER: Typing paper was perfect for cutting snowflakes; printer paper is, in my experience, much too heavy/thick.   The best substitute I’ve found is inexpensive unlined stationery.  It comes in pads of 50 or 100 sheets, and is usually about 6 x 9 inches.  The Mead brand (pictured) is good, but store brands (like those found in many discount or drug stores) work well, too.

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