Drop-Pull Pysanky


In some parts of western Ukraine, pysanky are written in a different manner. While still utilizing the basic wax-resist method, a simple pin-head is used (in lieu of the usual stylus) to place molten drops of wax on the surface of an egg.  The pin is then pulled, creating the tail of the drop.  Designs are created by arranging the drops into various configurations.

In this technique, the wax has to be kept molten during use. In the past this was accomplished by setting a small bowl of wax among embers of coal. Today a metal spoon full of wax suspended over a candle or oil lamp, or kept heated in a wax warmer or electric pot, can suffice.

This technique is most widespread amongst the lemky (Lemkos), who can be found not only in their ancestral homelands in current day Poland, Slovakia and Zakarpattia oblast, but scattered throughout Ukraine and in western Poland, where many were “resettled” after WWII in a joint Polish/Soviet operation (Akcja Wisła). It can also be found, less often, among the Boikos and in Nadsiannia.

The drop-pull technique is used by many Slavic peoples; in some slavic countries, it is more commonly used than traditional linear batik. 

The decorative motifs are all formed from dots (drops), both pulled and not. Simple geometric designs can be formed


or the dots can be arranged into more complex configurations resembling flowers, crosses and stars.


Dots can also be arranged into bands.


You can view examples of these sorts of pysanky here:

Drop-pull eggs

Priashiv pysanky

Lemko pysanky

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