14. Books (an annotated bibliography)
Pysanka: Books written in English1 (and other non-Slavic languages)on the subject of pysanky and other forms of egg decoration.
Писанка: Books written in Ukrainian on the subject of pysanky and pysankarstvo (pysanka-making) and collections of loose pattern sheets and cards.
UGS: Books and other informational material from the Ukrainian Gift Shop (Minneapolis, MN) about pysanky and pysankarstvo
Articles: Articles in the Ukrainian and English magazines and newspapers about pysanky and pysankarstvo. When available, links will be provided to on-line versions. (In progress)
Multimedia: DVDs, videotapes and other materials about pysanky and pysankarstvo. (In progress)
Children: Books about pysanky and egg decoration meant for children and their teachers
Slavic Egg Decoration: Books from other Slavic nations about egg decoration. May or may not be in English.
Ukrainian Customs, Folk Traditions and Mythology: Books which explore folk tradition and its pre-christian roots.
Ukrainian Ethnography: Books written primarily in Ukrainian about the ethnographic division, traditions, costumes and crafts of Ukraine. (in progress)
Ukrainian History: Books I have used as sources for all eras of Ukrainian history, from Paleolithic to modern. Includes books about the Trypillian culture.
1.Books which are mostly in Ukrainian but may have an introduction or limited amounts of text translated into English will be placed in the Ukrainian section. Fully bilingual books will be mentioned in both sections. Books available in multiple languages will be noted in both sections (if I own both copies of the book; if not, mention will be made).
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