

In this section I have listed articles in the Ukrainian and English magazines and newspapers about pysanky and pysankarstvo.  When available, links to on-line versions of the articles are provided (click on any underlined article titles).

Ukrainian Language:

  1. 1.Атлантова, Людмила.  «Магія Української Писанки» (The Magic of the Ukrainian Pysanka)  Народне Мистецтво   2/1997: 6-8 

  2. 2.Осадца, Таня.  «Дослідники Українських Писанок» (Researchers of Ukrainian Pysanky)   Народне Мистецтво  1-2/2001: 48-51

  3. 3.Слободян, Олег.  «Спадок Олексія Соломченка» (The Heritage of Oleksiy Solomchenko)   Народне Мистецтво  1-2/2001: 52-53

  4. 4.Соломченко, Олексій.  «Писанкарство Карпатського Краю» (Pysankarstvo of the Carpathian Region)  Народне Мистецтво   2/1997: 20-22

English Language:

  1. 1.Gill, Brendan.  “Sun, Rooster, Fir”  The New Yorker  March 27, 1948: 20-21
    A brief article from “The Talk of the Town” about the Surma store in the Ukrainian village and the making and selling of pysanky.

  2. 2.Reid, Alastair.  “An Afternoon in the Ukraine”  The New Yorker May 31, 1982: 27-29
    A brief article from “The Talk of the Town” about a visit to the Surma store in the Ukrainian Village, with an emphasis on Surmach family history.

  3. 3.Tracz,  Orysia Paszczak.  “A Pysanka Mystery Almost Solved”  Ukrainian Weekly  April 27, 2008: 7
    A discussion of the (unacknowledged) influence of Zenon Elyjiw’s work on Erast Binyashevsky’s book about traditional Ukrainian pysanky.

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