More Pysanky from the UP

Mary Baron is a good friend of mine from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. She and her daughter Maddy both make pysanky, and both of them have remarkable natural talents and skills.  I taught them the art quite a few years ago, and they have kept at it, creating many beautiful eggs over the years. Whenever I visit, we spend at least one evening at their kitchen table working on pysanky and talking.

Pictured on this page are some of the pysanky they have created over the years.  Mary tend to favor more traditional designs, while Maddy pushes the boundaries and creates beautiful, imaginative, nontraditional eggs. In 2008 Maddy created the “eggate,” examples of which can be seen on the next page.

  Luba        Eggates

Mary’s Pysanka Gallery

Mary and Maddy

  Luba        Eggates

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