
Color Plates 1


Plate XIV,  № 6 to 16

Pysanky 6-14 are all from the village of Bilousivka, Bratslav povit, Podillia hubernia (now Tulchyn raion, Vinnytsia oblast).  They are from a set of 45 obtained from the priest Ihnatiy Lototskyi.

Pysanky 15-16 are from a set of 355 pysanky collected by M.E. Hrekk in “Nemyrivshchyna” in Podillia hubernia  They were also recorded as watercolors, and the names inscribed in Polish. The pysanky are from the villages of the Nemyriv region of Vinnytsia oblast.

Note: “Barylochka” (aka barylka) is a barrel, but also the name of a pysanka with a barrel-type division

  1. 6.Cливки  Plums

  2. 7.No name

  3. 8.Рукавички Gloves

  1. 9.Вазони  Potted plants

  2. 10.Мутли (?moths)

  3. 11.Tюльпани  Tulips

  4. 12.Баранчики  Little rams

  5. 13.Жабки  Frogs

  6. 14.Павуки  Spiders

  7. 15.Baryloczko z Czolowikom  Barrel with man

  8. 16.Baryloczko z Bezkonecznykom  Barrel with never-ending line

Plate XV,  № 1 to 16

Pysanky 1-16 are from a set of 355 pysanky collected by M.E. Hrekk in “Nemyrivshchyna” in Podillia hubernia  They were also recorded as watercolors, and the names inscribed in Polish. The pysanky are from the villages of the Nemyriv region of Vinnytsia oblast.

  1. 1.Барилочко  Barrel

  2. 2.Baryloczko z witrakom  Barrel with windmill

  3. 3.Baryloczko z sosnoju  Barrel with pine

  4. 4.Ryba z hrebinciamy Fish with combs

  5. 5.Czolowik Man/person

  6. 6.Czolowik Man/person

  7. 7.Koniuszyna  Clover

  8. 8.Lystki  Leaves

  1. 9.Kaczyni Szyjki  Duck necks

  2. 10. Sosna  Pine

  3. 11. Barani rohy  Rams horns

  4. 12. Скрипки  Violins

  5. 13. Lystki Leaves

  6. 14. Wazon  Potted plant

  7. 15. Kwitki-wazon  Potted plant with flowers

  8. 16. Wazon z sojasznykom  Potted plant with Sunflowers 

Plate XVI,  № 1 to 16

Pysanky 1-16 are from a set of 355 pysanky collected by M.E. Hrekk in “Nemyrivshchyna” in Podillia hubernia  They were also recorded as watercolors, and the names inscribed in Polish and Russian. The pysanky are from the villages of the Nemyriv region of Vinnytsia oblast.

The cross motif predominates on this plate. 

  1. 1.Kwitki  Flowers

  2. 2.Witrak  Windmill

  3. 3.Chrest  Cross

  4. 4.Хрестъ  Cross

  5. 5.Chrest  Cross

  6. 6.Chrest  Cross

  7. 7.Wazon Potted plant

  8. 8.Качини шьійки Duck necks

  1. 9.Dzwony  Bells

  2. 10. Witrak  Windmill

  3. 11. Zwizda  Star

  4. 12. Chrest Prostyi  Plain cross

  5. 13. Chrest  Cross

  6. 14. Chrest  Cross

  7. 15. Chrest Prostyi  Plain cross

  8. 16. Chrest Prostyi  Plain cross

Plate XVII,  № 1 to 16

Pysanky 1-16 are from a set of 355 pysanky collected by M.E. Hrekk in “Nemyrivshchyna” in Podillia hubernia  They were also recorded as watercolors, and the names inscribed in Polish. The pysanky are from the villages of the Nemyriv region of Vinnytsia oblast.

  1. 1.Chrest  Cross

  2. 2.Chrest Prostyi  Plain cross

  3. 3.Хрест  Cross

  4. 4.Chrest  Cross

  5. 5.Калина з листками  Kalyna with leaves

  6. 6.Dubowe lystia  Oak leaves

  7. 7.Posdowzna roza Elongated(?) rose (ruzha)

  8. 8.Lystki  Leaves

  1. 9.Barani rohy  Rams horns

  2. 10.Chrest  Cross

  3. 11.Koniuczyna  Clover

  4. 12.Witraki  Windmill

  5. 13.Граблі з листками   Rakes with leaves

  6. 14.No name

  7. 15.Klynki  Wedges

  8. 16.Zwizda  Star

Plate XVIII,  № 1 to 16

Pysanky 1-16 are from a set of 355 pysanky collected by M.E. Hrekk in “Nemyrivshchyna” in Podillia hubernia  They were also recorded as watercolors, and the names inscribed in Polish. The pysanky are from the villages of the Nemyriv region of Vinnytsia oblast.

  1. 1.Lystki  Leaves

  2. 2.Hrabli  Rakes

  3. 3.Barwinok  Periwinkle

  4. 4.Zwizda  Star

  5. 5.Prosta roza  Plain rozha

  6. 6.Bokowa roza  Side rozha

  7. 7.Bokowa roza  Side rozha

  8. 8.Roza Rozha

  1. 9.Kaczyni szyjki  Duck necks

  2. 10.Bokowa roza  Side rozha

  3. 11.Kaczyni szyjki z hrabelkamy  Duck necks with rakes

  4. 12.Zwizda  Star

  5. 13.Sorok klynciw   Forty wedges/triangles

  6. 14.Prosti klynki Plain wedges

  7. 15.Prosti klynki Plain wedges

  8. 16.Prosti klynki Plain wedges

Plate XIX,  № 1 to 16

Pysanky 1-14 are from a set of 355 pysanky collected by M.E. Hrekk in “Nemyrivshchyna” in Podillia hubernia  They were also recorded as watercolors, and the names inscribed in Polish and Russian. The pysanky are from the villages of the Nemyriv region of Vinnytsia oblast.

Pysanky 15-16 are from a set of 126 pysanky collected by S.A. Venhrzhepovkskyi in the town of Trostianets in Podillia hubernia (current Vinnytsia oblast). They were also recorded as watercolors, and the names inscribed in Russian.

  1. 1.Bezkonecznyk klynkowyi  Wedgy bezkonechnyk

  2. 2.Kkynki w klynkach  Wedges within wedges

  3. 3.Witrak  Windmill

  4. 4.Roza  Rozha

  5. 5.Chrest  Cross

  6. 6.Bezkonecznyk klynkowyi  Wedgy bezkonechnyk

  7. 7.Zwizda  Star

  8. 8.Kaczyni szyjki  Duck necks

  1. 9.No name given

  2. 10.Sakwy-bysahy z lystkamy i kuraczymy lapkamy  Saddlebags with leaves and chicken feet

  3. 11.Sakwy-bysahy z baranimy rohamy  Saddlebags with ram horns

  4. 12.Льістки  Leaves

  5. 13.Bezkonecznyk wuzowyi   Vinelike bezkonechnyk

  6. 14.Bezkonecznyk wuzowyi   Vinelike bezkonechnyk

  7. 15.Сторцови (поперечни) карлючки съ сосонкою  End hooks with sosonka

  8. 16.Баклажокъ–курячи лапи  Cask–chicken feet

  Kulzhynskyi        Kulzhynskyi Plate 2

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Plates XIV to XIX