
Color Plates 2


Plate XX,  № 1 to 16

Pysanky 1-16 are from a set of 126 pysanky collected by S.A. Venhrzhepovkskyi in the town of Trostianets in Podillia hubernia (current Vinnytsia oblast). They were also recorded as watercolors, and the names inscribed in Russian.

  1. 1.Бесаги (?) съ дубовымъ лыстомъ  Saddlebags (?) with oak leaves

  2. 2.Баклажокъ съ дубовымъ льістомъ  Cask with oak leaves

  3. 3.Ангелыкы и Воскресеніе Angel and risen Christ (?)

  4. 4.Шьіти рукавы  Stitched sleeves

  5. 5.Церковньіе предметьі  Church things

  6. 6.No name

  7. 7.Хрестъ цильій или квитчастьій  Whole cross with flowers

  8. 8.Вазонъ Potted plant

  1. 9.No name

  2. 10.No name

  3. 11.Хрестъ  Cross

  4. 12.Квитчастый хрестъ  Flowery cross

  5. 13.Черногузи  Storks

  6. 14.Выноградъ  Grapes

  7. 15.Порожин (шолудывы) квиточкы  Flower with few petals

  8. 16.Лапкы  (? Chicken) feet

Plate XXI,  № 1 to 16

Pysanky 1-13 are from a set of 126 pysanky collected by S.A. Venhrzhepovkskyi in the town of Trostianets in Podillia hubernia (current Vinnytsia oblast).

Pysanka 14 is from the village of Bahovytsa, Pysanka 15 is from the village of (Bolshaia) Muksha, and Pysanka 16 is from the village of Vrublivtsi  in Kamianets-Podilskyi povit, current Khmelnytsky oblast.  They are from a set of 154 pysanky collected by M.O. Greymom.

The pysanky were also recorded as watercolors, and the names inscribed in Russian.

  1. 1.No name

  2. 2.Грабли  Rakes

  3. 3.Решето Sieve

  4. 4.No name given

  5. 5.Бокова рожа  Side rozha

  6. 6.Ломаный хрестъ  Broken cross

  7. 7.No name

  8. 8.Квиточки  Flowers

  1. 9.Зубчаста пысанка. Toothy pysanka

  2. 10.Перева  Interruption

  3. 11.Бесаги квиточки  Flowery saddlebags

  4. 12.No name

  5. 13.Безконечныкъ  Bezkonechnyk

  6. 14.No name

  7. 15.No name

  8. 16.No name

Plate XXII,  № 1 to 16

The pysanky in this table are all from Kamianets-Podilskyi povit, current Khmelnytsky oblast.  They are from a set of 154 pysanky collected by M.O. Greymom.  The pysanky were also recorded as watercolors.

No names are provided for any of the pysanky.

Pysanky 1-2 are from the village of Vrublivtsi.

Pysanky 3-6 are from the village of Zhvanets.

Pysanky 7-10 are from the village of Kulchiyivtsi.

Pysanky 11-13 are from the village of Nahoriany.

Pysanky 14-16 are from the village of Panivtsi.

Plate XXIII,  № 1 to 16

Pysanky 1-12 are from the village of Surzha. They are from Kamianets-Podilskyi povit, current Khmelnytsky oblast.  They are from a set of 154 pysanky collected by M.O. Greymom.  The pysanky were also recorded as watercolors. No names are provided for any of the pysanky.

Pysanky 13-16 are from a set of 34 pysanky also collected by M.O. Greymom.  The exact location of their origin is uncertain–they are from either Kamianets, Proskuriv or Ushytsia povit. The pysanky were also recorded as watercolors. No names are provided for any of the pysanky.

Plate XXIV,  № 1 to 16

Pysanky 1-2 are from a set of 34 pysanky also collected by M.O. Greymom.  The exact location of their origin is uncertain–they are from either Kamianets, Proskuriv or Ushytsia povit. No names are provided for any of the pysanky.

Pysanka 3 is from a set of 3 pysanky collected by V.N. Yastrebov from Ohlopil Povit. Pysanky 4-5 are from a set of 4 pysanky collected by K.V. Bolsupovky from Yampil povit.

Pysanka 12 is from a set of 12 collected by A.R. Ellinekov; the rest were collected by an unknown individual.  No provenance besides Podillia is assigned to any of these pysanky. 

The pysanky were also recorded as watercolors. Names, when given were provided in Russian.

  1. 1.No name

  2. 2.No name

  3. 3.Турецки разводы Turkish deisgns

  4. 4.No name

  5. 5.No name

  6. 6.Барвинокъ  Periwinkle

  7. 7.No name

  8. 8.No name

  1. 9.No name

  2. 10.Гребинецъ  Comb

  3. 11.Листы  Leaves

  4. 12.Лапки  Paws

  5. 13.No name

  6. 14.No name

  7. 15.No name

  8. 16.Лысти  Leaves

  Kulzhynskyi Plate 1        Kulzhynskyi Plate 3

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Plates XX to XXII