It’s possible to create your own colors using standard commercial dyes. Two guidelines to mixing dyes should be used:
1.Use dye solutions when experimenting, not the powdered dyes. Not only are the powders toxic when inhaled, but each is a custom blends of several different dye powders. They can settle out differently. If you take a small sample, you may get more of one constituent color than another.
2.A jar of dye can absorb small amounts of other dyes without changing its intrinsic color. Put a drop of green dye into a jar of yellow, and it will look greenish, but it will still dye yellow. To change a color significantly, you need to add at least a tablespoon of dye solution, and possibly several.
On the following pages I have included some dye recipes, both for large and small quantities of dye, for dipping, spot dyeing and layering.
Tym’s Recipes: Twenty three recipes for spot dyeing.
My Recipes: Recipes for creating custom color combinations that I have come up with or collected from friends over the years.
EP Recipes: Recipes for creating custom color combinations from the Yahoo Eggs-Pysanky group.
Layering: Not recipes as such, but instructions for layering sequences.
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