

Many of my modern pysanky (Snowflakes and Brown Eggs excepted) have designs that have been copied from other sources, sometimes exactly, sometimes with  modifications.  When known, I will include the sources with the photos.

If I have used your design without attribution, you can notify me at the mail link below and I will rectify the situation.  Many designs were downloaded from the web, and the pages have since either disappeared or I’ve simply lost track of their origins.

(Photo above: a plate from Venetia Newall’s “An Egg at Easter”)


  1. ZE:  Elyjiw, Zenon.  Sixty Score of Easter Eggs  (+ Table and egg number)

  2. CF:  Ference, Cecelia.  Making Ukrainian Pysanky

  3. COM:  Manroe, Candace Ord.  Decorative Eggs

  4. GB:  Buttafuoco, Grazia and Dede Varetto.  Great Book of Egg Decorating

  5. JP:  Pollak, Jane.  Decorating Eggs–Exquisite Designs with Wax & Dye

  6. *REE:  Markovyc, Pavlo.  Rusyn Easter Eggs from Eastern Slovakia

  7. *VM:  Manko, Vira.  Ukrainian Folk Pysanka (+ Table and egg number)

  8. VN:  Newall, Venetia. An Egg at Easter: A Folklore Study 

  9. YS:  Surmach, Yaroslava.  Ukrainian Easter Eggs


       Surma:  denoted by the notation Surma and the series number, e.g. Surma-III

        UGSdenoted by the letters UGS, series number, and last three digits of the card number,

                    e.g. UGS-3-112  for Series 3, No. 80112

UGS Books:

  1. DB1:  Ukrainian Design Book 1 

  2. DB2:  Ukrainian Easter Egg Design Book 2

  3. DB3:  Ukrainian Easter Egg Design Book 3

  4. DB4:  Ukrainian Easter Egg Design Book 4

  5. DB5:  Ukrainian Easter Egg Design Book 5

  6. EB:  Eggs Beautiful: How to Make Ukrainian Easter Eggs

  7. KG:  A Kid’s Guide to decorating Ukrainian Easter Eggs

  8. OE:   Decorating Ostrich Eggs the Ukrainian Way

  9. UEE:  Ukrainian Easter Eggs and How We Make Them

UGS Catalogs:  denoted by the letters UGS and the year, e.g. UGS C-06

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