Rocznik Wolynski 1930
Volyn Annual 1930
Rocznik Wolynski 1930
Volyn Annual 1930
The pysanky pictured on this page, numbers 83 to 94, were from villages of the present Liubomyl (Любомиль) raion. This areas is in the northwestern part of of current day Volyn oblast, near the Polish border.
The plates are shown below, with pysanky from the villages of Yahodyn, Hushcha, Opalyn. While the villages of Hushcha and Opalyn still exist, Yahody, which was located directly on the post WWII border, no longer does, although an official border crossing retains that name.
The ornamentation of these pysanky is similar to that of nearby Kholmshchyna/Pidliashia, with the frequent use of pine branch motifs and curls.
83-87. Ягодин (Yahodyn)
88. Ягодин (Yahodyn) Chain with branches
89. Гуща (Hushcha) Stars and Sun
90. Опалин (Opalyn)
91. Ягодин (Yahodyn) Bands and Curls
92. Ягодин (Yahodyn) Bands and Dots
93-94. Ягодин (Yahodyn)
NOTE: If there are two place names given, the second is the one currently in use. The village of Temne is noted as being in Rivne or Volyn oblast, as there are villages of that name in both oblasts.
Northwestern Volyn
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