Rocznik Wolynski 1930

Volyn Annual 1930


The pysanky pictured on this page, numbers 36 to 53, are grouped by predominant motifs, rather than place of origin.  The motifs found on them are mostly phytomorphic (plant motifs) or agricultural.

I have given the place of origin, in Ukrainian and English, for all the pysanky.  I have also included the names of the pysanky, when given, in italics, translated to the best of my ability.

Several pysanky do not fit the general category. Pysanka 37 is composed of wedges/triangles, as is pysanka 47, which someone has decided looks like pairs of underwear.  Pysanka 38, on the other hand, is a variation on the ruzha. 

Pysanky 36 and 53 are called “Lilac,” while 40 and 41 are called “immature grapes.” Pysanka 39 is also labeled “flower,” although it bears a resemblance to clouds with rain (i.e. rakes).    

Pysanky 42 to 44 are said to be twigs/branches with leave, the latter two specified as oak leaves. Of these, pysanka 44 appears to be a version of a berehynia motif. 

Pysanky 45 and 46 are interesting because they contain resheto; Volyn is one of the few places outside of the Carpathian mountains where resheto/cross-hatching is used for infill of geometric forms.  More often shapes are filled either with solid color, or with stripes (as in 37, 47, 52 and 53). These two pysanky are labelled as “flowers,” although neither bears any significant resemblance to them; pysanka 45 is a series of triangles/wedges, while 46 most closely resembles windmill/svarha motifs.

Pysanka 51 is not given a name, but appears to be a variation of the vazon/tree of life motif (one of the representations of the berehynia).  Pysanky 48 and 49 are called “vinky,” a term usually used to refer to flower garlands, although these pysanky are adorned with pine branch/sosonka instead.  Similar pine branch motifs can be see on pysanky 50, 52 and 53, although they are called simply “twigs (branches).”

36. Володимир Волинський рн. (Volodymyr Volynskyi raion) Lilac

37. Уляники (Ulianyky) Small wedges

38. Уляники (Ulianyky) Narrow belts

39. Верхів (Verkhiv) Flowers

40. Любохини (Liubokhyny) Immature grapes

41. Любохини (Liubokhyny) Immature grapes

42. Коростятин/Малинівка (Korostiatyn/Malynivka) Twig

43. Коростятин/Малинівка (Korostiatyn/Malynivka) Oak leaves and twigs

44. Коростятин/Малинівка (Korostiatyn/Malynivka) Oak leaves and twigs

45. Темне (Temne/Volyn) Resheto (6 flowers)

46. Темне (Temne/Rivne) Resheto (4 flowers)

47. Темне (Temne/Rivne) Panties (pants)

48. Хмільник (Khmilnyk) Vinky (garlands)

49. Уляники (Ulianyky) Vinky (garlands)

50. Tудорів/Федорівка (Tudoriv/Fedorivka) Twig

51. Володимир Волинський рн (Volodymyr Volynskyi raion)

52. Володимир Волинський рн (Volodymyr Volynskyi raion) Twig

53. Володимир Волинський рн (Volodymyr Volynskyi raion) Twig and Lilac

NOTE:  If there are two names given, the second is the one currently in use.  The village of Temne is noted as being in Rivne or Volyn oblast, as there are villages of that name in both oblasts.


Plant and Agricultural Motifs 2

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