Rocznik Wolynski 1930

Volyn Annual 1930


The pysanky pictured on this page, numbers 18 to 35, are grouped by predominant motif, although all but one are from Rivne oblast, and a large number of them from Hoshcha raion.  The motifs found on them are either phytomorphic (plant motifs) or agricultural.

I have given the place of origin, in Ukrainian and English, for all the pysanky.  I have also included the names of the pysanky, when given, in italics, translated to the best of my ability.

Pysanky 18-22 are described as oak leaves, although the first three appear to be variations on berehynia motifs.  Pysanka 23 is labeled as a “flower,” but looks more like an oak leaf (compare to 12-22).

Pysanky 24-26 and 29-32 are also a variety of flower motifs.  Pysanka 27 has six ruzhi/stars, and eight “trylysts” (three leafed motifs) shown, but is called “cloves” for some reason. Cloves have 5 petals, as best as I can tell; then again, so do mallow flowers....

Pysanka 28 is called “blacksmiths,” and 33 is called “leaves”; both are sets of triangles.  Pysanky 34 and 35 are called rakes; they actually depict clouds (the triangles) with rain coming down from them (the fringe).

18. Tудорів/Федорівка (Tudoriv/Fedorivka) Oak leaf

19. Tудорів/Федорівка (Tudoriv/Fedorivka) Oak leaf

20. Tудорів/Федорівка (Tudoriv/Fedorivka) Oak leaf

21. Коростятин/Малинівка (Korostiatyn/Malynivka) Oak leaf

22. Шубків (Shubkiv) Oak leaf

23. Коростятин/Малинівка (Korostiatyn/Malynivka) Flower

24. Коростятин/Малинівка (Korostiatyn/Malynivka) Flower

25. Tудорів/Федорівка (Tudoriv/Fedorivka) Flower

26. Коростятин/Малинівка (Korostiatyn/Malynivka) Flower

27. Шляхецькі (Shliakhetski) Cloves

28. Темне (Temne/Volyn) Blacksmiths

29. Олехнівка (Olekhnivka) Flower

30. Коростятин/Малинівка (Korostiatyn/Malynivka) Flower

31. Шубків (Shubkiv) Flower

32. Кустин (Kustyn) Flower

33. Малий Олексин (Malyi Oleksyn) Leaves

34. Tудорів/Федорівка (Tudoriv/Fedorivka) Rakes

35. Ремель (Remel) Rakes

NOTE:  If there are two names given, the second is the one currently in use.  The village of Temne is noted as being in Rivne or Volyn oblast, as there are villages of that name in both oblasts.


Plant and Agricultural Motifs 1

  Ruzha motifs        Plant motifs 2

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