Rocznik Wolynski 1930
Volyn Annual 1930
Rocznik Wolynski 1930
Volyn Annual 1930
The pysanky pictured on this page, numbers 1 to 17, are grouped by predominant motif, rather than place of origin. The motif found on all but two is the ruzha, supposedly a geometric representation of the mallow flower. (It is not a rose, which is called a “troyanda” in Ukrainian.). The ruzha is usually represented as an eight pointed star, and is considered not a floral motif, but a sun symbol. .
I have given the place of origin, in Ukrainian and English, for all the pysanky. I have also included the names of the pysanky, when given, in italics, translated to the best of my ability.
Pysanka number 8 clearly shows a ruzha, but, at some point, someone decided to rename it as a chrysanthemum. Numbers 16 and 17 do not fit in with the others; they have ovoid motifs which are usually called “ohirky” (cucumbers).
7. Tудорів/Федорівка (Tudoriv/Fedorivka) Sixfold Ruzha
8. Милостів (Mylostiv) Chrysanthemum
9. Уляники (Ulianyky)
10. Новий Двір (Novyi Dvir)
11. Милостів (Mylostiv) Eightfold ruzha
12. Шляхецькі (Shliakhetski) Ruzha
13. Володимир Волинський рн (Volodymyr Volynskyi raion)
14. Мирогоща (Myrohoshcha)
15. Кудрянка (Kudrianka) Ruzha
16. Коростятин/Малинівка (Korostiatyn/Malynivka) Cucumbers
17. Темне (Temne/Rivne) Cucumbers
NOTE: If there are two names given, the second is the one currently in use. The village of Temne is noted as being in Rivne or Volyn oblast, as there are villages of that name in both oblasts.
Ruzha motifs
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