Volynian Pysanky

Волинські Писанки


I used a large number of sources in writing the pysanky in this section, published and unpublished. Many of the pysanky were repeated from one source to another, as newer authors looked to older ones for traditional Volynian designs. I will try and place pysanky in the galleries based on the earliest known source for their design.

My sources include the following books and booklets:

  1. 1.Bilous, Oksana and Zoya Stashuk.  Школа Писанкарсктва (School of Pysankarstvo)  Київ: РВЦ КПДО, 2008

  2. 2.Binyashevsky, Erast.  Українські Писанки (Ukrainian Pysanky)  Київ: «Мистецтво», 1968

  3. 3.Bondaruk, Andriy.  Як написати писанку  (How to Write Pysanky)  Луцьк: «Терен», 2008

  4. 4.Elyjiw, Zenon. Двадцять Кип Писанок (Sixty Score of Easter Eggs)  USA: Self-published, 1994

  5. 5.Zielyk, Marta.  Пише Писанки Бабиня, Пише Мама, Пишу Я  Київ: «ДіПоР»,  1992   (Pysanky by Sofia Zielyk  “My Grandmother Writes Pysanky, My Mother Writes Them, and I Write Them”)

  6. 6.Kulzhynsky, S.K.  Описание Коллексии Народньіх Писанок (Descriptions of a Collection of Folk Pysanky)  Харків: Сага, 2010

  1. 7.Lavrovyk, О.  Волинська Писанка (The Volynian Pysanka)   Рівне:  «Садиба Валевських» (a folio of loose sheets with traditional designs)

  2. 8.Manko, Vira.  Українська Народна Писанка (The Ukrainian Folk Pysanka)  Львів: «Свічадо», 2005

  3. 9.Onyshchuk, Odarka.  Символіка Української Писанки (Symbolism of the Ukrainian Pysanka)  Toronto: Harmony Printing, Ltd., 1985

  4. 10.Pavliuk, Stepan and Roman Chmelyk.   Скарби Музею Етнографії то Хидожнього Промислу (Treasures of the Museum of Ethnography, Arts and Crafts)  Львів:  НАН України, 2005

  5. 11.Pchilka, Olena.  Малоруський Опнамент (Ukrainian Ornament)

  6. 12.Veronica, Sr.  Pysanky: Herkunft und Bedeutung der ukrainischen Ostereier (Pysanka: The Origin and Meaning of Ukrainian Easter Eggs)  Berne:  Verlag Paul Haupt, 1982

I also included designs from the Plast and Ukrainian pysanka stamps, and watercolors of some of the pysanky Kulzhynsky collected for his second volume, but never had a chance to publish.



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