Supplies Outline
Supplies Outline
This section is still in progress, but quite a few page have been written. In this section I have an annotated list of basic supplies, as well a list of “additional” supplies that are useful in the making of pysanky (aka “luxuries”). Other sections include pages about those pysanka supplies and equipment that could use more elaboration, like styluses, dyes and eggs, and discuss the equipment needed for drop-pull pysanky.
The Reservoir and Tip (Non-electric)
The Reservoir and Tip (Electric)
Other Styluses
Types of Dyes
Crepe Paper Dyes
Commercially Available Pysanka Dyes
Preparing Dyes
Storing Dyes
Containers for Dyes
Maintenance of Dyes
Straining Dyes
Dye Problems and Their Solutions
Recharging Dyes
Creating Pastel Dyes
Creating Custom Colors (Color Theory)
Preparing Natural Dyes
An Annotated Index