Traditional Pysanky
Traditional Pysanky
5. Traditional Pysanky (Carpathian Ukraine)
Other Bukovynian Pysanky/Regions
Strozhynets (Сторожинець) raion
Podnistrovya (Подністров’я) region
Kosmach (Mykolenko collection)
Kosmach (Eudokia Kushnierchuk)
Gallery (Hutsul pysanky from private collections)
Лемківшина (Lemkivshchyna): a history of the Lemko lands
Geography: where were the Lemko lands
Ethnography: about the Lemko people and their folkways
Pysanky: drop pull and linear batik
Books: books about Lemko pysanky
Index: books about Lemko pysanky
Лемкo pysanky: photos of Lemko pysanky, including those that I have recreated
Пряшів (Priashiv): about Slovakian Lemkivshchyna
Пряшів pysanky: photos of Lemko pysanky from the Priashiv region, including those that I
have recreated
Exhibit: photos of Lemko pysanky from an exhibit at the Detroit Historical Museum in the
spring of 2013
Illintsi pysanky at Zabolotiv market
Horodenkivshchyna (Городенківщина)
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