
Traditional Pysanky of Western Ukraine


Below links to my pages about the ethnographic regions of western Ukraine, their traditions, geography, history and pysanky.  This is a work in progress, and only a few sections are complete.  Underlined words below indicate active links but not necessarily pages with content.

Although it is not an ethnographic region per se, but a political entity, I have used the term “Lvivshchyna” for the regions of Opillia and Roztochia, which were often referred to by ethnographers (including Binyashevsky) as “Central Halychyna.”  Many pysanky were given this designation only as the place of origin.


Полісся: Polissia region (western) Included with Volyn


Волинь: Volyn/Volhynia

        About Volyn

                    Culture and ethnography

                    Maps and History

        About Volynian Pysanky

                    Pysanky of Volyn

                    My Sources

                    Pattern Sheet

                    Olena Pchilka, ethnographer

                    Pysanky in the Lviv Ethnographic Museum

                    Kulzhynsky Plates

                    “Rocznik Wolynski”

                           Pysanky with Ruzhi Motifs

                           Plant and Agricultural Motifs 1

                           Plant and Agricultural Motifs 2

                           Pysanky with Animal Motifs

                       Pysanky with Scevomorphic Motifs

                           Pysanky from the Liuboml Region 1

                           Pysanky from the Liuboml Region 2

                           Pysanky from the Liuboml Region 3

        Traditional Pysanka Galleries


                    Erast Binyashevsky

                    Odarka Onyshchuk

                    Sofiyka Zielyk

                    Zenon Elyjiw

                    “Volynian Pysanka”

                    Sister Veronica

                    Vira Manko

                    Other Sources        


СокальSokal (a small area between Halychyna and Volyn with very distinct decorative traditions)

        Myron Korduba

                   Tables 1

                   Tables 2

                   Tables 3

                   Tables 4

                   Tables 5


Львівщина: Lviv region, i.e. Central Halychyna/Galicia (Includes Opillia and Roztochia)

        Pysanky from the NMFUDA collection


Підлашшя, Холмщина: Pidliashia/Podlachia, Kholm region

        Kholm Pattern

        Hrubeshiv Pysanky

Надсяння, Перемишльщина: Nadsiannia, Peremyshl region


Поділля: Podillia region

            About Podillia


    Pysanky of Podillia



            Pattern Sheet 1 (Drake)

            Pattern Sheet 2 (Star)

            Pattern Sheet 3 (Plums)


                    Kulzhynskyi Color Plates 1

                    Kulzhynskyi Color Plates 2

                    Kulzhynskyi BW Plates

            Binyashevsky Gallery

                    Book:  Western Podillia

                    Book:  Eastern Podillia

                    Folio:  Western Podillia

                    Folio:  Eastern Podillia


                    ”World” Pages

                    Lost Pysanky

           Photo Gallery

                    Maryna Verkhova


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Traditional Pysanky of Western Ukraine

Picture postcard from Brody, near L’viv